Startup Import-Export companies - 10 important tips for founders
In addition to the right online marketing measures for new customer acquisition and customer loyalty, there are many things to consider when setting up a company. We have put together 10 important tips and basics for founders.
A start-up translates as "start-up or commissioning" and is a symbol for the establishment of a new company. Import Export Companies that are in their first business phase, have creative, new, or unusual ideas, which they want to realize first on a small scale and later on a large scale, are to be identified as start-ups. The growth potential is significant, because once the company has “made it”, it can expand, sell part of it, or even set up branches. The number of start-ups has increased rapidly, especially due to the Internet age, and enriches the corporate landscape with many creative ideas and innovations. The factor of the new idea is important for a functioning business model. The German Start-up Monitor defines three characteristics:
- The age: Startups are younger than 10 years
- The innovation: Startups are highly innovative with their technology / and or their business model
- The growth: Startups have significant employee and/or sales growth
Tip 1: the right idea
There are many ideas, sometimes good, sometimes not so good, but most of them can usually be capitalized on. A large part of the USA start-ups arises from a release from existing companies, a kind of "offshoot" with new ideas. However, some starters also deal with completely unknown innovations and they should prepare themselves very well for the development phase. There are a few ways and methods of getting an idea:
Problem - solution
Finding solutions to the existing problems of many people is still one of the most successful concepts for a start-up. Whoever knows what people need or what makes their life easier, can enrich it and pay attention to an up-to-date look or mood, cannot do so much wrong.
Developing ideas
The improvement of existing products, services, or services should not be underestimated, because many customers and users give their feedback regularly and want changes that they often do not receive. Anyone who recognizes the potential for improvement can develop their own idea from it. Examples are Coldplasmatech: A wound dressing with a plasma-physical effect or FoodLoop: An app for food with an approaching best-before date.
Tip 2: financing
Over the past ten years, crowdfunding has become an important institution for generating start-up capital for young companies. Whether Startnext, VisionBakery, Betterplace or Kickstarter - the platforms for artists, tinkerers, socially committed people, and young entrepreneurs are on the advance. In most cases, crowdfunding means that a product or service is offered which, with the help of the “crowd”, either gets the realization or gets the start-up capital for the production. The deposit of certain amounts of money on "prepayment" enables some bonus gifts, such as receiving the finished product first and getting additional features before everyone else. Successful projects at Startnext are, for example, the “Original Unpacked” supermarket in Berlin Kreuzberg or the financing of the Internet TV station “Störsender”, which deliberately wants to avoid advertising. Financing tips:
- See other projects
- Become a supporter yourself
- Define clear messages
- Shoot your own video for the performance
- Business angel
Business angels are private investors who invest money in the new company in the early start-up phase and who support the founders with their own knowledge and advice. They receive shares in the company and are co-owners, who leave the reins to the young founders. The angels usually invest four to seven years and then sell the stake, ideally, of course, at a profit. There are 3,000 active business angels in Germany, most of whom have come together in networks such as Germany's Business Angels Network.
Ventures capitalists
Venture capitalists are investors who invest in a company at high risk. They often promote several business ideas at the same time, knowing that they may lose the money. However, since they hold large stakes in the startups, the profits can add up significantly.
Corporate loan
The banking crisis has made it difficult for many start-ups to get bank loans. Development banks such as KfW offer some options with terms of up to five years and low-interest rates. Freelancers, founders, and existing start-ups with up to three years of business activity can submit an application.
Tip 3: Find the right type of company
Many self-employed people choose the sole proprietorship because there is no liability capital, nor are formation formalities necessary. However, profits are taxable at the personal tax rate and the freelancer is liable with his private company.
In UK, the civil law society (GbR), which is made up of two or more people who want to work together, is often chosen. The establishment is necessary without formalities and entry in the commercial register and with an annual profit of 50,000 euros, only an income statement has to be submitted.
For an LLC, a capital contribution of 25,000 euros must be available as liability capital and it is subject to the accounting rules of the Commercial Code. This blog entry gives helpful tips when founding a GmbH, including taxation and tips for the right time to set up.
Tip 4: Professional external presentation
Public relation
Especially in the start-up phase, the company should communicate a lot, publish the annual reports, explain the current status and keep asking for feedback. To do this, they should give the company a face, introduce the people behind the product and thus step out of the inaccessibility of the Internet. Individual communication with journalists, bloggers, and the social media world allows you to be remembered for a long time. An interesting campaign is, for example, the commitment of the Hannoversche Volksbank, which set up a micropage for a regional festival, the Maschsee Festival, and informed customers about the event via Facebook, Twitter, and Co.
It is also important to create a corporate design that can be found on all letters, envelopes, business cards, and websites. In this way, a uniform image of the new company can be found everywhere.
An appealing look, an understandable design, and the possibility of contacting the company in many ways are the basis for sustainable corporate communication. The website forms the first impression that a customer or business partner receives of the company and that is precisely why it should be as sustainable as possible.
Tip 5: coaching and training
Start-ups usually arise from one or two creative minds that, in the course of their start-up and project phase, attract additional people who take on other tasks. Marketing, programming, accounting, or customer acquisition - specialists are usually sought in all areas. The company's rapid growth is mostly to be welcomed, after all, it is about spreading the product or service widely and generating good sales. It makes sense to train employees and yourself regularly and to get the most out of the company with the help of external coaches or to develop sustainably. In the IT and technology sector, in particular, start-ups and companies have to stay up to date to be able to keep up at all.
Gaunt, a service provider for electrical installations, offers, for example, a knowledge platform "e-volution" with several courses and training courses aimed at both self-employed people and existing companies. Whether business plan finance, online courses for electrical engineers, or a virtual workshop - advanced training and intensification of know-how are possible in many areas. There are now even start-ups that deal exclusively with further training, such as . Europe-wide courses for various directions and industries are compiled there.
Tip 6: customer acquisition
Define target group
The target group should already be factored in during corporate planning because it is the linchpin of the success of your own idea. It is helpful to differentiate between the target groups of consumers and business customers and to gradually analyze which people really use and need the idea. The factors that limit the target group can be very different, depending on the orientation of the product:
- place of residence
- age
- Occupational group
- marital status
- Education, commitment
In addition, there is an assessment of how much the target group can afford and what they would pay for the product. With the help of surveys and market research, it is already possible to filter out whether the idea will even be accepted and where there is still room for improvement. It is also helpful to think outside the box, with the competition, because this may help you find your own niche or improve the product.
New customer acquisition
On the phone
Within a few seconds, customers decide whether the call is worthwhile for them or not. Clear pronunciation and a friendly tone already help to break the ice. Direct address is important, but should not be overdone. Often the question arises what exactly it is about and there should be a crisp and interesting sentence that should not seem memorized. Telephone training is essential for acquisition workers in order to get a routine for the inquiries.
Over the internet
In online marketing, the Internet offers a number of opportunities to acquire new customers.
Other includes:
- Search Engine Optimization
- Search Advertising
- Display marketing
- E-mail marketing
- Online PR
Tip 7: Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
What is CRM
Custom relationship management describes strategies that shape the relationship and interaction between customers and the company. The measures are intended to increase the success of the start-up and, to put it simply, including customer care.
Tip 8: Successful leadership
The right recruiting
Many start-ups tackle the search for employees in a relatively relaxed and friendly manner, using recommendations from friends and acquaintances or inquiries from their private sphere. In fact, they should think about a professional recruiting strategy, because good personnel does not always have to come from within their own circle and, especially in the specialist area, the managing directors should learn how to recognize competent and motivated employees and which people they are better off not hiring. Online job boards are considered the number one job seeker because they offer many options and choices. The start-ups should also use their own social media channels to target applicants who are already interested. Further personal details can be found via workshops and events;
Tip 9: avoid tax traps
Sufficient advance tax payments
A young company needs sufficient liquidity to invest and develop further. However, the tax prepayments must be included in a certain amount, because high tax back payments could mean financial difficulties in the coming year. In most cases, there are only low-profit expectations in the first three years and consequently low tax prepayments.
Control over the labeling of sales tax
The sales tax law stipulates that companies must submit a sales tax return. In principle, this must be submitted quarterly. New companies must submit monthly sales tax returns in the year they are founded and in the following year.
The final price must be visible to consumers, i.e. all costs that are added to the purchase price must be stated, such as sales tax and any shipping costs. The company has already paid the tax with the prepayment.
Note the legal form
Depending on which legal form was chosen, different taxes apply. If a GmbH is selected, the profit of the corporation is subject to corporation tax at 15 percent plus solidarity surcharge and trade tax. With the profit distribution of the corporation, either the capital gains tax of 25 percent or the income tax applies.
In the case of partnerships, the profit is taxable with trade tax, taking into account an exemption of 24,500 euros for the partner. When setting up a company, start-ups should therefore consider what form they want to take and what sales they can expect in order to save taxes.
Tip 10: form networks
Make business contacts
No start-up project succeeds without a network, because it thrives on new contacts, ideas, business partners, and customers who advance and spread the company idea. Events and trade fairs make sense to attract investors, but there are now also creative forms, such as business speed dating and business angel matching, which take place regularly. The following entry provides a field report
There is no ideal recipe for founding a start-up Import Export Company and a lot of good ideas disappear again within the first start-up phase. The high motivation of the founders should not, however, fizzle out in the first phase, but should be actively used to secure the financing of the first years and to create an optimal business plan. New employees are the source of further success, which are to be treated just as well as the idea itself. Company founders need courage, perseverance, strong nerves, and flexibility in order to survive. A suitable team should be found, especially in large cities.
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Cordially Yours,
Kishan Barai
Tags: tips for export import business founders