List of all FREE to access websites/app
An authentic goverment website to know the HS Code / Export or Import Policy / Government Incentives for our products.
An important website to check access "Export-Import Data Bank" for free. Great data analysis could be done via data bank.
For example : Top 100 Products exported in Austrialia from India, Top 100 products imported from canada to India, etc trends we can get from a government website
From Trademap we can get more data base of world trends based on products "Trade Indicators"
For example: Top countries exporting ceramic ties or top countries importing ceramic tiles , we can get to know where to market what ? under compnies tab we can get to know huge data base of companies, importer or exporter for FREE & Trademap is WTO approved website.
From above website we can check the import duties in foreign countries, sometime if we choose such products which has very high import duty or ban in foreign countries then we may suffer, its better to check the import duties of our products in our key market areas.
A government website to get trade guide for import or export. We can also check the import duties before importing products in India. While seeing import duty make sure you don't consider IGST much in import duty because that amount you will get refund in form of Input tax credit as you sell that product in india with bill.
6. Barai Overseas Twitter Account
Twitter account of barai overseas is also followed by JNPT port , make sure you also hit bell icon for barai overseas tweets
A nice website to get daily news and government notifications & update relating to Export-Import Business, it's not of government but very authentic & popular website (Scroll down at the bottom and check latest Exim News & Notification)
8. Create Google News alert for your products and your related keywords
To get the best update relating to the products you choose set google news alert with your products and related keywords, daily you will receive one email from Google for FREE with all latest news and updates related to you. Visit Google news from PC, type "Onion", scroll down, create an alert.
Just like Economic times, there is daily shipping times, not by government but the very authentic website to get daily updates in Exim Trade.
10. News in Shorts Mobile app
Stop wasting your time watching the news on TV & wasting a lot of time in repetitive content. Get the news in only 60 words, download its mobile app, read and understand all business news and trends very fast.